Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm A Winner!

I follow Susan Faye's wonderful blog on TheHive. She held a Secret Garden Giveaway and I am so excited because I am one of three winners.  I won something once before, it was a six pack of beer, which wasn't my cup of tea ~ LOL!  You can totally see why I am so excited about this. Susan's creations are so creatively whimsical ~ I love her style.
You can visit Susan's shop at: 

PS: I have chosen the print pictured here and can't wait to receive it. I have a special place in my craft room awaiting it's arrival.

Secret Garden Giveaway Winners!
Thank you to everyone who participated by describing your five must-haves for your own Secret Garden! Hammocks, waterfalls, ponds, roses and hummingbirds were some of the top must-haves. Check out all of the creative comments at the end of this post.

Three names were drawn at random to receive their choice of a Secret Garden pendant or print from my Etsy shop.

SJ who said... "My secret garden will have a waterfall, porch, lots of sunflowers, trellis of beautiful flowers, and a tree". Check out her blog called Homemaker on a Dime, where she hosts blog hops, link parties, and other fun activities.
Newlywed Briana said... "my secret garden would have a cozy cottage, a koi pond, a little bridge, waterfall/stream to the pond, and roses!"

Sandy Prenzi from The Hive said: "My secret garden must have Fairies fluttering from flower to flower ~ A deep blue pond surrounded by weeping willows and inhabited with the beauty of Swans ~ A soft breeze whispering through the willows and the sweet music of the birds as they flit from tree to tree". Be sure to check out her wonderful clay creations at: 
Sandy's Creations in Clay

Congratulations to all!!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Craft Room

An up-date on my Craft Room.

I am very fortunate to have a craft room all to myself.  I know a lot of you don't,  I have been in your shoes ~ I crafted on my dining room table for ages or what seemed like ages. I even did a stint, would you believe, with my crafting table in my bathroom. Kinda Crappy,  but just to make you giggle, I posted the picture of it at the bottom of the page.

I spent the better part of yesterday making my room more crafting friendly.  It is maddening not being able to put your hands on something you know you have or thought you had ~ oh, oh ~ that falls into my loose screw theory. (LOL)

You would be amazed at the wonderful crafty items I found.  Even some clay tools that I didn't even know I had ~ now let me tell you,  that was like digging for gold and finding the mother load!

Before I became so heavily involved in polymer clay, I was deep into making greeting cards ~ I still do, but mostly for family and friends, so that is why my small desk is in my craft room ~ I can create my cards and not get clay all over them.

This is the wall opposite my table, as you can see by the image in the mirror.  I love having the mirrored cabinet. So much room to store things, plus  the mirror is wonderful. I use it to see if the creation I made is symmetrical before putting it in the oven.  The mirrored image is a tattle tale of sorts.  It lets me know if anything is askew.

I do love my craft room ~ it is a haven from the outside world and all it's problems ~ it is a place that is inspirational and absolutely a joy to be in.

Let me tell you about my crafting table ~ I bought it at Walmart for the bargain price of $39.00. It is six feet long and folds into a three foot square so I can easily stow it in the closet if I need the room for guests.  I have two rolling cabinets underneath which houses all my crafty necessities.

Now, you might take notice of that great little cabinet on top of the table ~ All my unopened clay fits perfectly in the cubbies and it came from non-other than my favorite store ~ Michaels. It has a glass door, which I will never close, although you could if you wanted to.  I came up with an idea to be able to utilize the glass side.  I bought rubberized grip liner and hot glued it to the edge of the glass, then with Christmas ornament hangers, I hung my gripper and cutting tools.  The grip liner is thick and able to withstand the pressure of the hanging  tools.

Now that my room is organized, I must call for my muse ~ I know she's around here somewhere ~ But where?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I know I have a Screw Loose

This  is me ~ with my Artists Beret and loose screw!

Did you ever start thinking that maybe you have a screw loose?  Well, forgetfulness is one of my screw loose theories.  Like forgetting to put a nose on a witch. Isn't the nose one of the most important parts of a witch, whether it be a really, really ugly Witch or one thats kind of a cute?  Well, I created Little Witch Wonder, but after looking at her for awhile and even posting her on TheHive and in my Etsy and Zibbet shops, I really felt something wasn't quite right. I know I create a lot of Imps, and my Imps do not have noses ~ ummm maybe that's where my mind was ~ thinking about Imps.

Well today, I said "OFF WITH HER HEAD"!  I took apart Little Witch Wonderful and gave her a brand new head with nose included.  Now then, don't you agree with me that she really looks Wonderful now?

Another one of my Screw Loose theories is having my creativity table in chaos. I start out with a nice neat area, but before long I'm searching madly for the tool I used a second ago. Low and behold, I find it after I have practically moved everything on my table. Has this ever happened to you, I ask with furrowed brow?  Now, I know it's difficult to be neat and tidy when I'm in my creative mode, but on the other hand I could be creating a lot more if it weren't for the fact that I was searching my precious time away.

I have a lot more Screw Loose Theories, which I will discuss at a later date, but for now I better get a screwdriver for my head and make some adjustments.

Happy Crafting Everyone!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Woodland Creatures

You never know what you will come across while meandering through the countryside.  These little creatures inhabit our woodlands and gardens. If you are very, very lucky you just might spot one of them, but you have to look closely, because they are very tiny and extremely shy. 

I was lucky enough to find these three awesome polymer clay artists who have created some of these magical creatures.  I love the detail of the clothing and their incredible sculpting talent that they have incorporated into their awesome creations.

Stacy Fitz opened her Etsy Shop in August 2011and is from Roseville California.

From the Artist ~ Stacy Fitz
I am an artist, a romantic, and a mother of three, and the combination makes me a bit of a nutcase. I have a love for the strange, unusual, unique, bizzarre, and grotesque, all of it seems to find a way out into my art
Each of my creations is truly a labor of love, so much so that they become like children to me. I have a lot of ugly beautiful strange babies out there.

Say hello to Fiddlesticks. He is just tickled pink to meet you! Look at that smile! Can you doubt his joy in finding a new friend? Fiddlesticks is an elfin like creature that is quite happy organizing your spices alphabetically, sorting your socks by color, and making sure all your canned foods are front and faced. He is finicky and fussy, but so cheerful about it that it's impossible to take offense. 

You can see more of Stacy's awesome creations at: 


Evgenia Khamulyak opened her Etsy Shop since May of 2011.  She lives in Girona Spain and loves making Art Dolls.


Evgenia named her 'Dear Grandmother of Cockroaches Oil'.

You can visit her shop and see all her wonderful creations at:


Traci Howard opened her Etsy Shop in February of 2011
and comes from Leicester ~ United Kingdom

From the Artist ~ Traci Howard
I like to make anything from pretty much everything.Although I mainly make fantasy creatures,there are always other projects on the side.I have been fortunate enough to live and travel off my craft my entire adult life...

A handsculpted one of a kind, denizen of the faerie forest.This elf is so laid back and easy going,he can do nothing but make you smile;) He is sitting on a little log and would look fabulous in a potplant ,terrarium or anywhere near plants.

You can see more of Traci's spectacular creations at: 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wilma's Brother Wendel

I would like to introduce you to Wilma and Ima's brother Wendel. He just graduated from kindergarten and can't wait to continue his studies at the Wellington Institute of Higher Learning. He was accepted to this very prestigious school in light of his enormously high IQ.

Wendel is very particular about his looks and as you can see his cap and bow tie match his new purple glasses.  

Friday, August 5, 2011

Wilma The Bookworm

Story and Polymer Clay Creation 
by Sandy Prenzi

It's back to school for Wilma the Bookworm.  She is full of excitement and anticipation because it is her first day.  She has her favorite book " Through The Wormhole" by TOE and a delicious bright red apple for her teacher.

Wilma loves to do many things and one of the things that she loves best of all is playing with Schrodinger's cat.  Now, you would think she'd be afraid of this cat, but Wilma is very smart and extremely enlightened as you can tell by what she reads and besides that, they have a lot in common.

Wilma is anxious to meet new friends and is hoping that everyone will like her. Sometimes she gets teased because she has to wear glasses. At first, this bothered Wilma, but being able to read her wonderful books and see the big beautiful world around her made her realize that she was a very lucky little bookworm to have these glasses.