Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Three of Australia's Finest Polymer Clay Artists

I am proud to present three extremely talented Australian polymer clay artists.


Greer has been a member of Aussiepolyclay since June of 2008 and does amazing work. With this piece, she used a wash glaze polymer clay. Layers of liquid clay tinted with oil paints, applied in thin layers and fired separately.

City Rose

City Rose has created this adorable Spikeboy. He's a sculpture 'sketch'........ an idea that was quickly roughed out start to finish while watching a movie.

From the Artist

I have an overflowing supply of shells of different shapes and sizes. I was collecting them for when I intended to do mermaid sculptures, but I've since decided that I didn't want to walk the beaten track. So I grabbed a couple of those spikey cone shells and this is the idea that formed! He's my little SpikeBoy, created using a rough wire and Magic Sculpt armature, Prosculpt, Genesis Heat Set Paints and TLS (to seal). And shells of course, which have been attached to the armature with epoxy. The paint job on the clothing is intentionally 'painterly-a-la-tim-burton'.

Sabine Spiesser

"Mokume Gane" Featured on Voila

Sabine is a fabulous jewelry artist and was featured in this polymer clay magazine.


Her delightful steampunkery

She found this difficult to photograph with all the shiny surfaces, so she tried scanning. The depth of field on these pieces is amazing.

From the Artist

I took apart an old alarm clock, added some clock parts and just followed my muse. I learned so much from this experiment - definitely have to explore creating three dimensional pieces more.

You can see more of Sabine's work at:


Kris from Aussiepolyclay found this recipe for Cold Porcelain.

- 1-cup cornstarch
- 3/4 cup Elmer's Glue (white) (PVA)
- 1/2 cup water
- 1 teaspoon Ponds Cold Cream (must use this brand for this recipe to work)
- 1 teaspoon baby oil

**(once you start this, don't stop, especially when heating, don't stop stirring)**

Put cornstarch, glue, water, baby oil and ponds into non-stick pan and mix well. (I use a whisk, but you can use a large spoon too)

Turn stove on low to medium heat and keep mixing mixture continually until it balls up like bread dough. Remove from heat and as soon as you can touch it, begin to knead it. Put a small amount of Pond's on your hands to keep mixture from sticking to your hands.

The porcelain may be amber in color at this time, but as you knead it, if you are doing it right, it will start to turn a bright white and have no lumps and be extremely smooth.

**It is important to wrap this porcelain in Saran Wrap and then in 2-3 Zip-lock Bags, as no air can be allowed to get to it.

This is an "Air Dry" type of porcelain, so you do not have to bake it. (It takes up to 3 days to completely dry, depending on the thickness of your piece. It dries as hard as a rock believe me, and humidity and heat do not cause any problems with the finished work).


This will have a transparent look to it when air-dried. You can add color to it with oil colors and mix well.

Click on the following link to see more COLD PORCELAIN RECIPES:

Thank you for visiting my blog and have a wonderful, clayful day!


  1. What incredible polymer clay artists, and absolutely wonderful artwork! Isn't polymer clay the best medium... Such diversity in creations by different artists. I am so inspired by all the creativity!

    Thanks for sharing these artists work and the links to their sites!

  2. Very talented artists but I'm especially blown away by City Rose's Spikeboy. How adoreable.


Thank for reading my Post today and leaving your comment. Have a wonderful, clayful day!