Claire Wallis
She's been featured on Polymerclay Daily! : The Polymer Clay Daily archive reads like a who's who of polymer clay featuring some of the worlds most renowned polymer clay artists including her personal inspiration Melanie West, so she is thrilled to have been featured! : )More of her work can be found either on her website or her deviant art page :
Tutorial knitted polymer clay (reverse stocking stitch)
step 1: extrude strands of the desired thickness in your chosen colour and cut lengths of about 2.5 cm with a craft knife or a tissue blade.
step 2: take one of the cut lengths and push the ends together to form a loop. repeat.
group the loops together as shown.
step 3: take a length of extruded clay and lay it across the group of loops as shown.
step 4: using the back of the blade deeply indent the clay making sure the indents are aligned with the centre of the loop.
step 5: I flatten the tails of the loops with a cocktail stick, this ensures each line of loops will lie reasonably flat. if you are making long lines you will need to do this bit at a time. Be careful you don't mark the 'stitches' with your fingers/nails as you roll the cocktail stick.
repeat steps 1 to 5
step 6: place one line of stitches overlapping the flattened tails of the loops.
A little something for valentines day : ) a 'knitted' heart shaped brooch. polymer clay. approx 2 by 3 inches.
You can use this effect on its own or experiment with knitted cables, plaits etc
knitted cuff bracelet
More an experimental piece than anything else. I'm not entirely happy with it. I wanted to give the cuff a curved shape but it was hard to achieve without squashing and distorting the 'stitches'
I think next time it would be easier to create an armature and layer the stitching as I go rather than create a sheet to cover the armature with. I think this would reduce the distortion.
I kept the colour a light cream both the keep the emphasis on the texture of the bangle and to mimic the colour of undyed wool.
Beth Seng
Claylady 43
I am a wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother. I am also a designer, teacher, sculptor and writer.
In 1981 I found a clay called Fimo at a miniature meeting and began to play with this wonderful material making doll house scale miniatures like teddy bears, rocking horses, carousel horses, babies, dishes, food, candlesticks, what ever was needed or wanted for a doll house. The resulting interest in these tiny sculptures inspired me to open a studio in my home where, for the next 7 years, I was a stay at home mom, designing and sculpting one of a kind miniatures and a signature line called PenniBears for the miniature market.
After spending the next 15 years as a commercial designer/sculptor for United Design Corporation in Noble, Oklahoma, I started my own design company and then teamed up with Miss Martha of Miss Martha Originals, working with her to start the subsidiary company, Sweetbrier Studio™, The main product of this company is rubber push molds for use with polymer or metal clay.
In February of 08 I retired from commercial designing and am now creating original designs in both Polymer Clay and sculpting for original molds to make lovely and fun Ceramics.
Creating beautiful things is a rich joy to me and sharing my knowledge with others is a blessing.
Polymer Clay Faux Ribbon Embroidery Sampler
Polymer Clay Faux Ribbon Embroidery Sampler. Size: approx. 3 inches wide.
Note the split running stitch as it changes color from pink to ivory to blue. Made from a tiny slice of skinner blend.
I'll be teaching this class and other faux embroidery at Orlando Clay Fandango in May of 2011
You can see Penni Jo's beautiful creations at:
~ Please read me a bedtime story ~
By Sandy Prenzi